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World Population hits EIGHT Billion!

On Tuesday, November 15th, 2022, the United Nations announced that we have 8 billion people on our beautiful planet Earth! Here are nine key messages from the UN’s World Population Prospects 2022 report (pg. 9 -11):

  1. The world’s population continues to grow, but the pace of growth is slowing down. Global population is expected to grow to around 8.5 billion in 2030; 9.7 billion in 2050 and 10.4 billion in 2100.
  2. Rates of population growth vary significantly across countries and regions
  3. Levels and patterns of fertility and mortality vary widely around the world
  4. The population of older person is increasing both in numbers and as a share of the total population
  5. A sustained drop in fertility leads to an increased concentration of the population at working age, creating an opportunity for accelerated economic growth per capita
  6. More and more countries have begun to experience population decline
  7. International migration is having important impacts on population trends for some countries
  8. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all components of population change, including fertility, mortality, and migration
  9. Population data provide critical information for use in development planning

Discussion Questions:  

  1. Maria-Francesca Spatolisano, Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination, and Inter-Agency Affairs, DESA mentioned in the early part of the press conference that “The relationship between population growth and sustainable development is often misunderstood.”

    Explain two takeaways you had from her explanation after the above statement.
  2. The World Population Prospects 2022 has 3 sections with more details to support the 9 key messages.
    • Select one section to read and understand the trends, and
    • Discuss what stood out to you with respect to demand for skilled and unskilled labor given declining fertility and aging workforce of local/native workers from now in year 2022 to the next projected population growth in 2030.
  1. Self-reflection: View this video – “A world of 8 billion” and share
    • How old will you be in 2030, and in 2050?
    • What is your personal projection of your role as a worker in the 2030 labor market, and 2050 labor market?
    • How are you preparing yourself in gaining skill sets now in year 2022 that will still be in demand for the 2030 labor market, and 2050 labor market? Do elaborate.

Sources| United Nation: Press Conference: Day of 8 Billion (the day in which the world population reaches 8 billion people), World Population Prospects 2022; YouTube: A world of 8 billion; Unsplash: Picture of the Earth – Outer Space