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China’s Population is Declining – Too hot, too cold, or just nice for its Economic Development?

On Tuesday, January 17th, 2023, China’s National Bureau of Statistics released the country’s population data to be 1.41175 billion in 2022, and reported that there was a fall of about 850,000 Chinese citizens for the first time since 1961 as shown by the graph:

Source: Reuters

The Pew Research Center highlighted a few key facts about the drop in China’s population including:

  • Total fertility rate has been declining despite the relaxation of its 1980 “1-child policy”, 2016 “2-child policy” and 2021 “3-child policy”.
  • Women in China are choosing to marry later and delaying motherhood.
  • China has a rapidly aging population with 20% of its population aged sixty and older, and this representation will be growing over the years.
  • More Chinese nationals are migrating out of the country per year than into it.

Discussion Questions:  

  1. View this ~9 minute CNBC video – “How China’s shrinking population could have a ripple effect on the global economy” – and explain how China’s comparative advantage of low labor cost may be eroded with a shrinking population in the next 10 years.
  1. Visit the “Population Pyramid” site, and
  • a.) select the countryChina” and study the general change in the pyramid structure for the following years:
    • 1980 when the “1-child policy” was implemented,
    • 2016 when the “2-child policy” was in effect,
    • 2021 when the “3-child policy” was encouraged, and
  • Relook closely at the following age group during these three periods – under 25 years, between 25 to 64 years, and above 65 years – and discuss how the overall labor market composition will evolve for the country’s male and female.
  • Continue to play with this interactive site by selecting various countries and increasing/decreasing the time periods by a year or five years. Share your observations with a classmate or two.
  1. Read the February 2022 Policy Brief #130 of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and then
  • summarize key takeaways you had about why population growth matters for sustainable development from the following sections:
    • population growth is both a cause and a symptom of slow progress in development,
    • a sustained reduction in fertility opens a window of opportunity for economic growth, and
    • changes in population trends alone will do little to resolve unsustainable patterns of resource use.
  1. Self-reflection: View this video – “A world of 8 billion” and share
  • a. How old will you be in 2037 when the global population may reach nine billion?
  • b. What is your personal projection of your role as a worker in the 2037 labor market:
    • getting higher level education/unemployed,
    • reaching/reached peak employment, OR
    • retiring/planning to retire? Do elaborate.

Sources| National Bureau of Statistics of China:; Reuters:; Pew Research Center:; CNBC:; UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs Policy Brief #130: undesa_pd_2022_policy_brief_population_growth (002).pdf; Population Pyramid:; UN: